OSAKA 06-4703-0211
TOKYO 03-3527-6030


New Arrival

イタリア製エプロン Gilda

【新商品】エプロン Gilda

イタリアボローニャにあるキッチン・インテリアファブリック製品のメーカーBorgo delle tovaglie社の
ヨーロッパの昔の田園風景を淡い色目で描いた生地「Toile de Jouy Versaille」は、上品な大人っぽさも感じさせ、愛らしいピンク、シックな黒、クールな青、温かみのある黄色の4色展開。
エプロンでもおしゃれを!! そんなこだわりの方々に向けた選りすぐり逸品。プレゼントにも最適です。

An Italian apron with a fluffy shape that resembles a cute dress.
Borgo delle tovaglie, a manufacturer of kitchen and interior fabric products located in Bologna, Italy.
This item makes full use of its characteristics of respecting tradition while also being innovative and sophisticated in design.
“Toile de Jouy Versaille”, a fabric depicting an old European rural landscape in pale colors, has an elegant and mature feel. Available in 4 colors: lovely pink, chic black, cool blue, and warm yellow.
The design uses plenty of fabric to cover the entire waist, and the size can be adjusted with a ribbon tied in the front.
A perfect item for those who want to look stylish even with an apron. Also perfect as a gift.

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